The Space Race Will Change Everything but not for Everyone


Are we losing a generation of scientists to Instagram?


Remember: The World is Your Oyster


Why Won’t Science Magazine and AAAS Honor my Subscription?


I Hereby Declare Allegiance to the Bayesian Nation of Non-Frequentistan (kinda)


Jay Forrester – System Dynamics Pioneer and Father of Modern Simulation Passes


As I Predicted – The Political Models Failed: A Comment on Poll-driven Micro-Simulations


How & Why all the Political Prediction Models are Failing: Trump, Brexit & Feeling the Bern


Is this little birdie about to save the Sanders campaign?


It’s Time Business Schools Teach a Social Network Analysis Course and Take it Seriously


Narcissism: Changing Your Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter Profile Picture Every Day?


Lots of New Changes Coming to my Blog so Excuse the Mess


HR Metrics Series: The Most Fundamental Problem in How we Use HR Metrics


HR Industry Forecast: Reflection on 2014 and 2015 Predictions


Social Structure in Marketing: Why Content is Not King & Structure is Everything


Battle Royale : Does the SHRM vs. HRCI Fight Matter?


BPOs and Management Consultants that Specialize in HR are on the Rise


Export Import Troubles Between Russia and the European Union


A Leading Washington DC Employer & Their Challenges